
Reducing Hazardous Substance Emissions

We are working to systematically reduce emissions of hazardous chemical substances associated with our business activities and commit to preventing environmental pollution.

Reducing Emissions of Hazardous Chemical Substances*1

The Group’s targets (KPIs) for FY2030

By 2030, improve the hazardous chemical substances emissions per sales unit by 20% compared to FY2018

We are working to reduce emissions of hazardous chemical substances through ongoing efforts to prevent leaks of such substances and the transition to processes that create less emissions.

In FY2022, despite ongoing efforts to reduce emissions and prevent leaks of hazardous chemical substances in the carbon fibers and resin and plastic processing businesses, our hazardous chemical substance emissions increased 5% compared with the previous fiscal year, to 780 tons, due to such factors as an increase in the number of facilities in the composites business. This result still amounted to an improvement of 4% in per sales unit compared with the previous fiscal year.

  • *1Among the Class 1 designated chemical substances under the Act on Confirmation, etc. of Release Amounts of Specific Chemical Substances in the Environment and Promotion of Improvements to the Management Thereof and chemical substances indicated by the Japan Chemical Industry Association, chemical substances harmful to aquatic environments and the ozone layer in the GHS (Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals) classification defined by the United Nations are subject to the calculation of atmospheric, water, and soil emissions.

Trends in emissions of hazardous chemical substances and emissions per sales unit

  • *1Among the Class 1 designated chemical substances under the Act on Confirmation, etc. of Release Amounts of Specific Chemical Substances in the Environment and Promotion of Improvements to the Management Thereof and chemical substances indicated by the Japan Chemical Industry Association, chemical substances emissions to atmosphere, water, and soil which are harmful to aquatic environments and the ozone layer in the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) classification defined by the United Nations are subject to the calculation for emissions.
  • *2The per sales unit has been assured since FY2021, and calculated by using consolidated net sales as the denominator.

Top 10 chemical substance emissions

  • *Red text denotes chemical substances specified as Class 1 in the Chemical Substances Management Law.

Impact on Atmosphere

NOx emissions resulting from fuel use were down 14% from the previous fiscal year at 0.90 thousand tons, while SOx emissions generated in the same manner decreased 9% from the previous fiscal year at 2.13 thousand tons. Meanwhile, emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) increased 16% from the previous fiscal year to 1.56 thousand tons.

Trends in NOx emissions

  • *Corrected the past year figures in January 2024.

Trends in SOx emissions

Trends in VOC emissions

Preventing Soil / Groundwater Pollution

In addition to conforming to each country’s and territory’s legislation relating to the prevention of soil pollution, the Teijin Group formulated guidelines for preventing soil and groundwater pollution. Under these guidelines, we are striving to prevent soil and groundwater pollution resulting from our business operations.