About Us

Corporate Data

Established June 17, 1918
Title and name of representative President and CEO, Representative Director of the Board: Akimoto Uchikawa
Capital 71,833 Million yen
Number of Teijin Group companies 167 (Japan 56, Overseas 111) (As of March 31, 2024)
Number of Teijin Group employees 21,834 (Japan 9,634, Overseas 12,200) (As of March 31, 2024)
Head offices
Tokyo Head Office
Kasumigaseki Common Gate West Tower,
2-1, Kasumigaseki 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 100-8585, Japan
Phone : +81-3-3506-4529
Osaka Head Office
Nakanoshima Festival Tower West,
2-4, Nakanoshima 3-chome, Kita-ku,
Osaka 530-8605, Japan
Phone : +81-6-6233-3401
Higobashi Office
Higobashi Shimizu Building,
3-7, Tosabori 1-chome, Nishi-ku,
Osaka 550-8587, Japan
Phone : +81-6-6459-2110

Business Domain & Earnings Structure (FY2023)

Consolidated Financial Results

  FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Net Sales Billions of yen 853.7 836.5 926.1 1,018.8 1,032.8
Operating Income Billions of yen 56.2 54.9 44.2 12.9 13.5
Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent Billions of yen 25.3 -6.7 23.2 -17.7 10.6
Total Asesets Billions of yen 1,004.2 1,041.1 1,207.6 1,242.4 1,251.0
ROE*1 % 6.3 -1.7 5.5 -4.1 2.4
EBITDA*2 Billions of yen 107.2 106.8 113.0 87.8 92.4
  1. *1.ROE = Profit attributable to owners of parent / Shareholders’ equity
  2. *2.EBITDA = Operating income + Depreciation and amortization