Message from the President
Realizing our Purpose and Driving our Values to Achieve our Long-term Vision

Our Purpose, "Pioneering solutions together for a healthy planet", represents the meaning of our existence. We put our Purpose into words through a series of direct communication with our employees, redefining our common values and re-visiting the meaning of our existence over the 100 plus years since Teijin's foundation. The Purpose expresses our strong sense of commitment to creating pioneering solutions for the health of the global environment, the people and all life living on our planet, through collaboration with employees and external partners who share our values.
We derived three Values from our Purpose: 1) "Empowering ourselves to address challenges", 2) "Fostering growth through diversity and expertise", and 3) "Safeguarding our planet and all life on it". All of us at the Teijin Group will commit to this Purpose and work together to act on these Values to achieve our Long-Term Vision: "To be a company that supports the society of the future. "
This year, we announced the 2024-2025 Medium-Term Management Plan, with the objective of addressing social issues as outlined in our Purpose. To maximize our efforts, we will focus on key sectors in the fields of: 1) "Mobility", 2) "Infrastructure & Industrial" applications, and 3) "Healthcare". In addition, to address social challenges that are becoming increasingly complicated, we will prioritize activity in these fields in the following manner: 1) "Mobility" - CO₂ reduction, extending the range of motorized vehicles, electrification and automation of vehicles and their components". 2) "Infrastructure and Industrial" applications, - responding to renewable energy and sustainability, and 3) "Healthcare" - providing drugs for rare and intractable diseases as well as patient support.
We appreciate our stakeholders', including our employee's continued support and cooperation as the Teijin Group achieves further growth in the future.
Akimoto Uchikawa
President and CEO, Teijin Limited