Editorial Policy
This Website was prepared to ensure that a wide range of stakeholders are able to obtain and understand the Teijin Group’s sustainability information.
Reporting Period
Unless otherwise specified, this report covers the period from April 2023 to March 2024. However, some activities in or after April 2024 are also included.
Reporting Organizations
This report covers the entire Teijin Group (Teijin Limited and 56 domestic Group companies and 111 overseas Group companies).
Materiality and Comprehensiveness
This Website provides reporting on comprehensive and detailed information. The material issues for the Teijin Group and society as a whole are explained in the Teijin Group Integrated Report 2024.
Guidelines Referred to When Disclosing Non-financial Information:
- Environmental Reporting Guidelines 2018 (Japan’s Ministry of the Environment)
- The Sustainability Reporting Standards(Global Sustainability Standards Board(GSSB))
- The latest report by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
- The standards for the Chemical Industry within the SASB standards disclosed by the IFRS Foundation (formerly disclosed by the U.S.-based Sustainability Accounting Standards Board [SASB])
Assurance of Reliability
Environmental and social performance indicators included in this website have been independently reviewed by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd., who has provided assurance of its reliability. Indicators on which assurance is provided are marked with.