
Solutions and Value Creation

The Teijin Group creates new value and provides it to society through three solutions that leverage its strengths.

Solutions and Value Creation

The Teijin Group has inherited the DNA of “Evolution and Ambition”. In our 100-year history, we have been solving the challenges of that era and providing various solutions. Our current goal is to contribute to the realization of a sustainable world. To this end, we will strive to create new value that society needs in three fields: “Environmental value solutions,” “Safety, security and disaster mitigation solutions” and “Demographic change and increased health consciousness solutions.”
In addition, we will further focus on strengthening the management base, which is the foundation for that, and responding to risks appropriately.

Value creation at a glance

Value creation at a glance

Value provided that contributes to solving problems

Value provided that contributes to solving problems

Sales for the “three solutions”

The Group’s targets for FY2030

Total sales ratio of 75% or more for the three solutions

Statistics of sales for the “three solutions”

Statistics of sales for the “three solutions”