
ESH-Related Accounting

The Teijin Group calculates the investments, expenses, and effect of ESH activities at all group companies. The investments, expenses and effect of activities for environmental preservation, energy savings, reduced use of natural resources, and recycling are calculated with reference to the Environmental Accounting Guidelines 2005 Edition published by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan. We also calculate the investments and expenses for safety and disaster prevention, and health.

  • *See Boundaries for Reporting of ESH Data for scope of calculations.

Trends in ESH-related Investments

Trends in ESH-related investments

Trends in ESH-related Expenses

Trends in ESH-related expenses

Breakdown of ESH-related Costs of the Teijin Group in FY2023

Environmental preservation

(Unit: Billions of yen)

Item Main activities Investment Expenses Economic benefit* Actual effect
Business area Pollution prevention Measures to prevent pollution (air, water, soil, groundwater, noise, odor, and other) and reduce chemical substance emissions
0.54 2.23 0.00
  • Reduced chemical substance emissions
  • Management of SOx emissions and COD load
Global environmental conservation Measures such as those relating to energy savings and prevention of global warming 0.29 0.75 0.06
  • Reduced greenhouse gas emissions
Resource recycling Measures to increase effective use of waste, including promotion of waste recycling and solvent recovery 0.01 1.64 0.32
  • Reduced “waste with no effective use”
  • Reduced VOC emissions
Products and services Measures such as those to promote used-product recycling 0.00 0.16 0.10
Administration Establishment and maintenance of an environmental management system, including costs for administrative personnel 0.40
R&D Expenses for R&D of products and technologies designed to reduce environmental impact 0.46 2.86
Social activities Disclosure of environmental information at exhibitions; payment of SOx levy, environmental association memberships, and other fees 0.33
Repairing environmental damage Investigation and measures to deal with soil, groundwater, and other pollution 0.04
  • Investigation of soil and groundwater pollution, and necessary measures for decontamination
  Total 1.30 8.41 0.48  

Safety and disaster prevention, and health

(Unit: Billions of yen)

Item Main activities Investment Expenses Actual effect
Occupational safety Ensuring occupational safety 1.30 0.41
  • Avoided occurrences of workplace accidents
Workplace environment improvement Activities relating to ventilation, lighting, and evaluating, maintaining and improving the workplace environment 0.46 0.16
Health promotion Physical examinations and other measures to promote health 0.13 0.42
Disaster prevention Investigation of the seismic resistance of buildings, maintenance, and improvement of fire prevention and extinguishing systems 0.51 0.53
Administration Establishment and maintenance of occupational health and safety management systems, including costs for administrative personnel and safety losses 0.76
Total 2.40 2.28
  • *Economic benefit: Only those items that had a substantial effect are included in the calculations.